
 There are 'people' everywhere around 
Some generous, Some miserly
Some extrovert, Some introvert, 
But they are everywhere around, 
from where you stand.

Then, there are people who do good,
They will do anything to make you smile,
They will fetch you brownies from your favorite patisserie,
They will send you flowers from far across,
They will shower you with gifts that you love,
They will be by your side through thick and thin,
They will be on their toes to help you win.

Then, there are people who would 'act' to do good,
Donning the hat of being most effervescent,
They will make you feel that you are better than the rest,
Behind your back, 
They will hatch every conspiracy at their best,
They will laugh with you at others,
Behind your back, 
They will make your life worse than others,

Cheery, Smiling, Cracking jokes, Going out for smoke,
They would do it all, like you are partners in crime, 
Behind your back, 
They will suck your life for no reason or rhyme

Just when you thought that there are only good people around,
You meet the other half that isn't hard to be found,
They are everywhere around,
from where you stand,
You need to look up, wipe the dust off your glasses,
cough a bit harder to get heard,
remove the mask, one by one,
moving from one face to another,
There they will be standing in front of you,
Looking at you with a smirk,
And, you will be there staring right back
with a smirk wider than theirs.


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