You have been there all this while, Without moving anywhere, to change in style, Oh! how will you move? You are just another non-living creature, merely a window, existing for the sake of it, in every house or building or office or car; But The Window,I am talking about, does not exist 'merely,' It is The Window, that has shown me everything A tree stood tall outside it, 13 years ago; It still stands tall, only the leaves wither away every new season; It is the same window, that has accompanied me when I was low or happy; I stared out of it into the sky imagining where my life will be years down the line, penning down some memorable poems, or the love letter; It stayed there, while my life moved from childhood to adulthood; I cried sitting next to it, when I was reprimanded, I cried sitting next to it, when I missed my love, The Window, is still there, only the things outside have changed, so has changed my equation with it, I no longer sit eve...
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