Chennai Food Guide's 10th Anniversary Celebration @ The Westin
Yes, you guessed it right. Chennai Food Guide's 10th anniversary celebration is back. This time at THE WESTIN, Velachery. Now this has been one event, which for the past four years I had been trying to attend but couldn't. Blame it on the job and the days when the celebrations took place. However, this time, when I saw the CFG 10th Anniversary Celebration Invite on FB, I did not delay even for a while. I was quick to click on the "Buy Tickets Link" and reserve two tickets for my husband and I. Though my husband is definitely not the one who frequents CFG FB group as much as I do, I have some how managed to convince him to come and visit the celebrations with me.
I came across this group through a colleague cum friend from my previous office, F. And, buoy! I have never ventured out of the group since 2011. From reviews to discussions on food, recipes and gossip (on food of course), this platform was a blessing in disguise for a person like me, who had come to Chennai very recently and who knew nothing more than the 'idly-vada-dosa' scene of Chennai. The platform gave us the chance to interact with like-minded people, whose motto in life was anything and everything to do with food. This was also another platform, where no one shied away from speaking anything against a restaurant they frequented, a chef or fellow foodie they met, the manager, the seating, or anything at all that made the food scene work for the restaurant.
You must be wondering, why am I writing a blog post for CFG. No, they did not ask me. I just felt like writing. This is because I will be attending this celebration for the first time, and I hope it wouldn't be for the last. So, here are some of the things that I am looking forward to at this CFG meet:-
a) Meet and interact with fellow foodies in the "real" world.
b) And of course, eat some lip smacking food specially designed by the culinary experts from The Westin ;-)
What are you waiting for? Grab your tickets now at
And, in case, you miss out. Don't Worry! I shall update you with the event showcase in my next post. :-D
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