Read through pictures! Wander with them!

It takes a lot of effort to type out what you really feel, in a blog post. Moreover, with no space constraint, you are free to write as much as you want or you like. Just like I do. Not that I am a regular blogger. However, off late, reading many blog posts by friends, some known and some unknown, I am forced to stretch my imagination. Not that I am going to write some fiction, non fiction, poetry, article, opinion etc etc but I know by the end of this post, you readers will get something to read. And, who knows? May be after reading the post, you might feel why did I waste my time in writing this? or may go wow and exclaim "That's something I have never written.."

Jokes apart, I don't think I am the lone person, who gets ideas, words, expressions after reading and reading and some more reading. By reading, I don't wish to restrict myself or you to a mere newspaper reading. To each his own. I like to read blogs and books, sometimes magazines and surf websites as well. While there are others who are religious blog readers, voracious book readers and extra-ordinarily social network freaks. Like I said, to each his own, every one likes to read what one enjoys.

Off late, I have been glued to a few travel blogs. Not that I followed them ardently. It was one fine day, a very dear friend of mine, sent me the link to her blog and I started reading her posts. Though, she has just started with her travel blog; what I liked a lot about the blog (apart from the posts) was the brief that she had put about herself in the blog: "Between the two most important days of your life - the day you were born, and the day you figure out why, the latter is the day you realise your passion(s). I became aware of my first passion - literature, a few years after I was born. And nearly a quarter of a century later I have come to recognise my next passion - travelling! So this is an attempt to combine both my passions and record the latter with the help of the former. I hope to continue on this sojourn and make many more discoveries. Long live my passions!"

Indeed, if you have a passion for something, you can give wings to your dreams. Be it a passion to write, be it a passion to travel. The best thing about a travel blog is you feel you are there while you read. However, it also depends on how well the writer has articulated his thoughts and how successful has he been in describing everything in detail. We all make sojourns every now and then. Those sojourns are best captured in the numerous photos we click while roaming. Imagine, how it would be to give words to all those wonderful pictures that you click on your sojourn. Photos remind us of the wonderful times we spent- the moment is framed in that one click! However, if the very same moments have the company of words, they become etched in the memories, for the times to come.

Come to think of it, you would feel, why should I waste my time writing something for the pictures that I have clicked. But trust me, there is nothing as beautiful as sharing your happiness of places you have travelled, which the others might haven't. The reader might travel with you through your posts to the places, you visited. Then there might be readers who would have travelled to that place however, would not have noticed some of the nuances that you have described. There might be even people who would have opinions about your way of describing a place, as for them, it means something different. Come what may, you will still have readers, reading your posts and travel around the place.

So what have you been waiting for? No need to wait for your next sojourn. You can always do a little bit of brain-storming and write about your previous tours. Just like I am going to in my next blogs!!! Till then, watch this space for more! :-)


  1. Wow! I am very happy today Sneha! Today I feel I have achieved something. First of all, thank you for quoting my brief!! I feel like some eminent author :D Second, to know that maybe in some way I made you feel like writing this post, and the next ones on your previous travels, makes me feel immensely good, that I have been able to help someone in a positive way. So it is I who thank you for your precious time in reading my posts and showering your graciousness with your kind words. :) God bless and please keep writing :)

    1. Hi thanks a lot for this. Isn't it a fact with everyone of us? I mean, we tend to flow with what we read. Travel blogs have that tendency more since you feel you are travelling with the writer in those places. Though not been a part of it, but we do travel :-)


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